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My profil page
Step by Step Completing
"My Profile" Page
After registering, the next step is to fill in and complete the profile in the profile menu. You can see an example of filling in the link below.

- My Profile: Upload your profile photo
- Full Name: Muhammad Ali
- Date of Birth: September 8, 1990
- Gender: Male
- Age: 25-30
- HP / WA number: 0822-1234-5678
- Email:
- Qualification: Bachelor’s Degree (S)
- Experience: 5 Years
- Languages: English, Indonesian, Mandarin
- Salary Type: Monthly
Expected salary (Rp): 7000000 - Category: Developer, Advertising, Application, Customer Design
- Job title: Web Developer
- Description:
” Hello, my name is Muhammad Ali, a web developer with 5 years of experience in the web development industry. Over the course of my career, I have been involved in a variety of challenging and diverse projects, which have broadened my understanding of web technologies and the latest trends. I have gained strong skills in diverse programming languages ββand frameworks, enabling me to create innovative and effective web solutions.”
- Facebook Url: - Instagram Url: - LinkedIn Url:
Note: You can add other Social Networks by clicking the “Add Another Network” button
- Full Address:Β
Jalan Gunung Sahari 12, Blok B7, No.12, RT.16/RW.3, Gn. Sahari Utara, - Location / Domicile
Jakarta - Video Introduction (Optional)
My Resume Page
Step by step Completing
"My Resume" Page
The following is an example of a guide
to filling out my resume
- Attach CV:
Upload CV lamaran kamu dalam file .pdf, .doc, .docx ( Bisa upload lebih dari satu file )
- Title: Sarjana ( S1 )
- Academy: Universitas Gajah Mada – Yogyakarta
- Year: 05/2012-06/2014
- Description:
Saya lulus dari universitas gajah mada dengan nilai yang memuaskan.
Note: You can add other education by clicking the “Add Another Education” button
- Title (Skill): PHP
- Percentage : 79
Note: You can add other skills by clicking the “Add Another Skill” button.
- Title:Β Web Developer
- Start Date: 05/04/20010
- End Date: 05/04/2015
- Company: Google Inc
- Description:Β
Selama 5 tahun saya bekerja di perusahaan google sebagai web developer. Saya telah menyelesaikan berbagai projek website yang menjadi tanggung jawab saya.
Note: You can add another experience by clicking the “Add Another Experience” button
Portfolio: You can add several portfolio photos related to your profile such as skills, experience, etc.
- Award 1
Title: Program Kehadiran Terbaik
Year: 2012-2014
Description: Selama 2 tahun saya berhasil mendapatkan penghargaan sebagai karyawan dengan kehadiran terbaik dan tidak pernah telat.
Note: You can add other Awards / Awards by clicking the “Add Another Award” button